
You'll find below all the updates of our SaaS offers. Enjoy!

#March 2024

#ADDED Retrieve product variants using Catalogs for Apps

We updated our product mapping meta-schema a third time! You want to manage either a product level based or a model/variant levels based mapping? Update your catalog product mapping and use either product or model/variant structure.

👉 Learn more about how to define your product mapping schema to manage variants

#ADDED Retrieve localized values using Catalogs for Apps

We updated our product mapping meta-schema a second time! You want to manage several languages for one product selection? Update your catalog product mapping schema and ask for localized values instead of simple value.

👉 Learn more about how to update your catalog to define managed locales and how to define your product mapping schema

#ADDED Retrieve prices using Catalogs for Apps

We updated our product mapping meta-schema. Your app can now ask for price objects in one specific currency or multi-currencies.

👉 Learn more about how to update your catalog to define managed currencies and how to define your product mapping schema

#January 2024

#UPDATED The PATCH Attribute option API endpoints now apply a rate limit

The PATCH attribute option API endpoints now apply a rate limit of 3 concurrent API requests per second.

A 429 error will occur for the subsequent requests.

👉 Get more information on the API reference for these endpoints